Mountain View ADU Rules

Constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in Mountain View involves navigating a range of local regulations to ensure a successful project. Understanding the Mountain View ADU Rules is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring your project aligns with local guidelines. Below, we outline the key ADU regulations you need to consider as you plan your construction.

Mountain View ADU meeting zoning and building codes.

Important Information About ADU Regulations

Size Requirements

You need to adhere to the size requirement guidelines at the time of building the additional dwelling unit. The specific size requirements will depend on the nature of the unit, you plan to have. Here are the details for readers in brief.

Detached ADU

This unit can be 1200 square feet

Attached ADU

This unit can be 1200 square feet or half the area of the main building whichever is smaller


You will need 500 square feet of interior space for a junior accessory dwelling unit


Maximum Occupancy

The maximum occupancy of an ADU in Mountain View is two adults and two children.

Parking Requirements

Every ADU must have at least one off-street parking space and not take up more than one-third of the driveway space. This ensures that homeowners and guests can share the driveway and parking area so everyone can access the street.

Building Permits

Before building an ADU, you must obtain a building permit from the city. Getting a building permit involves submitting an application to the city development department and several required documents.

These documents include a copy of the ADU plans, a completed ADU application, and payment of the appropriate fee. This permit will authorize the construction of the unit. In addition, it provides details about the materials that must be used and the size of the unit.


If you plan to rent out your ADU, you must first obtain a rental permit from the city. This permit will include information about the rental agreement and any applicable restrictions.


Any utilities used for the ADU must be separate from those used for the existing single-family home. This includes gas, electricity, water, and sewer.

Prohibited Uses

ADUs in Mountain View cannot be used as vacation rentals, a frat house, or day care.

Design Guidelines

The city has design guidelines that must be followed when constructing an ADU. These guidelines include information about the size and style of the unit.

Design of an ADU complying with local design and space regulations.


Any landscaping or exterior features added to the ADU must maintain the view of the existing single-family home.


The city requires that the ADU have a separate exterior entrance that is not connected to the existing single-family home.


The city requires that all ADUs be taxed as separate units. This means the homeowners must pay separate property taxes for their ADU, just as they would for a separate apartment or house.

Noise Levels

Noise from the ADU must not exceed those of the existing single-family home. This means you must keep loud music, parties, and other noisy activities to a minimum.


Subdividing an existing single-family home lot to construct an ADU is not allowed in Mountain View.

Owner Occupancy

Homeowners must occupy either the existing single-family home or the ADU for at least six months out of the year to be eligible for an ADU permit.


ADUs must meet all local zoning requirements, including those related to building height, lot coverage, and setback.


All ADU structures must adhere to the city’s minimum setback requirements of 3 feet from the side and rear property lines and 5 feet from the front property line. This rule is in place to ensure that each ADU is safe from adjacent properties and to prevent any potential disputes between neighbors.

Accessory Structures

Accessory structures, such as decks or garages, must meet all local building codes and be within the maximum size requirements.

Design Standards

  • The ADU design must blend with the existing architectural style of the main residence.
  • The ADU must be compatible with the character of the neighborhood.
  • The ADU must be limited to one story in height.
  • The ADU must be located at least 10 feet from the main residence.
  • A permanent wall or fence must separate the ADU from the main residence.

Mountain View ADU Rules ensure that you construct and use accessory dwelling units responsibly, maintaining safety and comfort for all residents. These regulations help guarantee that your ADU meets local standards and contributes positively to the community. Reach out to us today for a free consultation to learn more about compliance and to start your project with confidence.


You are spared from having to allocate parking space for an ADU if your home lies within half a mile of a public transit stop

The regulations state that you can only lease this space to a tenant for 30 days or more.

The fire regulation guidelines state your ADU will need direct uninterrupted access to the street. If you are planning to lease the space to tenants, they will insist on these features.

  • Purpose of use

  • Site conditions

  • Zoning regulations.

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